
Showing posts from October, 2017

Vanilla Planifolia - Envorinment and Agroecosystems

Environment and Agroecosystems of Vanilla in Madagascar Madagascar, a country with a big variety in climate. The reason for this is its geographical position, wide range of altitudes and the different microclimates. Madagascar has the right environmental requirements for this crop. The environmental requirements for the weather are as follows: - Vanilla requires a temperature range of 21 to 32 °C -  a precipitation of 1500 mm or more that is evenly distributed - 80% relative humidity - and altitudes above sea level from 0 to 600 m. Then for the soil requirements: - it needs good drainage - Abundant organic material - Soil depth of roots should be approximately 40 cm in agroforestry systems - and a pH level of 6 to 7 Tropical Cyclones are a prominent feature of the Madagascan climate, which often leads to strong winds and heavy rainfall, which can cause significant damage and loss of life. Season of the cyclones is generally from November to may; its peak is in in January